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Mariri Wildlife Sanctuary is a project in its initial phase. We aim to receive and shelter wild animals subjected to negative human impacts.

The Project is located in the pristine Cerrado area, surrounded by mountains and lush primary forest.

In the Sanctuary we acare and rehabilitate wild animals providing a temporary home before they will be able to go back to the wild.


When reintroduction of some animals to the wild is not possible, Mariri Wildlife Sanctuary becomes their term prey home, providing natural food and shelter. The aim is to mimic their natural lifestyle conditions as much as possible.




We have already originally secured an area of 45ha of pristine forest at the foot of enchanted cliffs where the macaws like to nest. In 2020 Marianne managed to secure an adjacent area of low-land for the sanctuary adding another 15ha for the sanctuary. This area is important for a variety of wildlife species that we have photographed with our camera traps, including resident monkey families and big cats.


The forest protected by Mariri

We have built a main house with a few chalets and two treehouses in the surroundings to receive our guests, students and volunteers from all over the world wanting to experience the Sanctuary. 

Shelter for humans

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The area we call the “Rancho” was recently purchased and added into Mariri's land. It has a very basic adobe structure that is serving as a base for us to build the sanctuary’s new Head Quarters and clinic. In the picture, we can see the new low wall delineating our new construction.


We already have our licence from IBAMA (the Brazilian wildlife agency) that allows us to build the shelters that will be used to receive animals in need. We are now going after the funding so we can buy the materials and start building. Please help us help the wild animals! 

Shelter for Wildlife

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There is a natural spring that flows from the mountain with mineral water, which is our richest blessing.



We try to be an example of how to live closer to the Earth, our true heart dream is to be able to run a proactive and functional Wildlife Sanctuary attending to wild animals’ needs in the region.

Know How

The head of the Project, Marianne, is a zoologist who spent time studying jaguars in the wild. She is forming a group of vets, biology students and professionals to build and run this Sanctuary.

Marilia is a veterinarian for our project, she works with wildlife conservation and is fully dedicated to the project.


Mariri also has several volunteers and a team of professionals ready to help us when we get started.



If we receive appropriate funding we can purchase more adjacent plots of land and increase the protected area of forest for the sanctuary as areas outside the sanctuary might not be safe for wildlife. Each year when the fires come we protect the land, unlike most cattle farmers who burn the land to clear it in a "slash and burn" mindset.

The more land we purchase the more animals we can help!


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Shelter for humans

We need to build a Human Head Quarters for the Sanctuary and its human staff. There is an original basic structure to help us with a raw foundation but we still need to build a clinic, a storage area for the food and accommodation for animal carers.

Please help us build our Human Head Quarters for the vets and carers!

Shelter for Wildlife

We need to build 2 enclosures for birds that can be released into the wild, within the wild animal release area (ASAS). In these shelters the birds will spend the necessary time for acclimatization and after this period, the shelters will be open so that they can fly and recognize their habitat, having food support for a few days, until they can become totally independent.

Another 7 shelters will be built for different bird species that for different reasons are unable to return to the wild and will therefore spend the rest of their days in captivity. These shelters will include the bird species that are most affected by human action in our region, namely:

  • 2 shelters for parrots

  • 2 for owls

  • 1 for hawks

  • 2 for falcons. 

Totalling 146 m2 of built area just for the birds.





We need to build:

  • 2 large shelters for 4 to 6 pumas that will be rescued from an urban environment and that currently live in inadequate and extremely small enclosures

  • 5 shelters for other mammals that will be brought to live with us until the end of their lives

  • 1 shelter for mammals that are ready to be released into our forest

Our shelters will be much larger than the minimum size prescribed by law, with open areas and equipped with a pool, logs and obstacles for physical activity. They will be built with native forest elements so they are interactive and with plenty of environmental enrichment, aiming to ensure the animals' well-being and stimulating their natural behaviours.

With our natural water we will build pools for the pumas and other wildlife to bathe in and possibly even fish in!

These mineral water wells are extremely important for the development and relaxation of the animals.


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Having the will and heart for this project is not enough, we need some serious funding! Please see the donations pages for a complete description of the project where we ask funding for; building enclosures for big cats and other wild animals, food and medication for these animals, salaries for the carers crew, marketing for fund-raising, the project vehicle, fuel and other general project costs.


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Know How

We are open to receiving volunteers with experience in wildlife and animal sanctuaries who come to work and share their experiences with us so that we can always improve our quality of service.



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Logo Santuário Silvestre Mariri

Alto Paraíso de Goiás

GO, Brasil

+55 (62) 99913-1153

+55 (62) 99 80 99 182 (whatsapp)

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